Operating Systems: Windows XP (Service Pack 3) and above (UPDATE 2017: Compatible with PC: Pentium 4 (SSE2) or faster. It is compatible with Windows 7, XP, or Vista and Mac Leopard, Snow Leopard and Lion. According to the information from Lumapix’s website, the Mac and PC versions have the same features, so my review should be relevant to both platforms.

As many of you may know I’m on a Mac, and the Mac version of FotoFusion just came out about a year ago. LumaPix is the Canadian company behind FotoFusion, a software program for creating photo layouts and collages for use in albums, photo books, advertising materials, blogs etc. Click on this link, if you want to read my introductory post with my list of pros and cons of using external photo book software.

Ever since the invention of the mouse, we’re used to plopping things into little folders, and ease of use is essential. (I also have Adobe InDesign, but I haven’t used it as much as Photoshop.) Photoshop CS is a powerful tool, but not necessarily geared towards album creation.
I am definitely at the point of wanting to have full control over my designs and I have done that over the years using primarily Adobe Photoshop CS. So, you may find yourself at the point of wanting to own your own software so you can print your designs at the photo book printer of your choice and perhaps create your own templates for use and reuse on future book projects. Trying to learn new software can be time consuming if you’re particular about design like I am and not into pre-made themes. To summarize the purpose of this series on external photo book software, once you start making a lot of photo books, you start to crave some continuity. I am trying to balance thoroughness with conciseness, but it’s not working! I can’t just make a “mock” project because I have to be interested in the project to really do a good review and then I tend to write gobs and gobs. And then I’m kind of particular about it.
It’s a rather time-consuming to do software reviews (and photo book reviews for that matter) because I actually have to sit down and learn how to use the programs. Finally I had a bit of time after the flurry of family birthdays in July and August. Hi all! I bet some of you were wondering when I was going to get another software review up. Currently only one version of the software is offered – the Extreme version (version 5.5) and good news – the price has been reduced from $299.00 to $199.00.) UPDATE: Please note there have been some updates to this review since the original post date.